Thursday, August 22, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Indonesia has been 68 years liberated. 17th of August 1945 has brought a lot and huge effects for us, Indonesians, even myself can't list all of them here. Some said "happy birthday Indonesia.." while I thought that Indonesia was never born, Indonesia was just liberated, which meant that Indonesians were there even before the independence day. If you know what I meant.. But yeah it was only a random thought. I saw people made wishes for our beloved country, everybody can make wishes, even the mutes can. But wishes will only be wishes, if we don't make anything as the start of our dreams, right? Every country has problems, not only Indonesia, and I guess all of you know at least ten big problems that often or even still hitting Indonesia, but let's act from ourselves! Let's make Indonesia be better than all the past times.

My school, SMA N 1 Rangkasbitung held a big event yesterday, even if the independence day was several days passed, hehe, but in order to recharge our spirit and lift our nationalism and patriotism, Smansa made some contests such as : Panjat Pinang, Makan Kerupuk Contest, Balap Karung, Belut Move On, etc. I don't think if Soekarno, Hatta or any hero ever did such that a bit useless things like that to liberate Indonesia, HAHAHA.. But this event was made for entertainment and to uphold the sense of kinship. :)

The first contest was Joget Caesar Contest, every class sent a person to compete with others, the rule was who danced the best and most excited, would be the winner.

finalists of Joget Caesar Contest
And finally, Pras (in the left from our side) made himself as the winner, congratulations! After that, was Aku Soekarno Contest, where everybody dressed up like Soekarno, acted like Soekarno, proclaimed PROKLAMASI like Soekarno, etc. And my class sent Bryan The Young Soekarno, lol.

does he look like Soekarno already? :D
All the best for you, Bryan. After that was Makan Kerupuk Contest, I didn't see all of the participants of Makan Kerupuk Contest because there were a crowd of students wanted to see, so I only took photos, and then walked away.

After Makan Kerupuk Contest, there was Balap Karung Contest (if I am not mistaken, because there were so many contests)

The jumping boys
Umh, I forgot that before this, I bought bakso (meatball) first as my brunch (I called brunch because I ate it at the middle of breakfast and lunch time) it costed Rp 7000 and Teh Poci (Poci tea) for only Rp. 3000. And oh yes, this event was sponsored by Bakso mas Timbul, Teh Poci, Batagor, Tahu gejrot.

The next was Mencari Harta Karun Contest (Finding treasures contest). I didn't really see this contest, I only saw this from away, because I was getting ready for Belut Move On Contest (Eels Move On) and I gave my camera to Nissa to capture every contest and that's what she got.

This one is a photo of Bakiak Contest. Bakiak Contest was a game where four girls stepped on a long sandals together, whether it is left or right, their feet had to be stepped together.

Believe me this was a candid.
After that, what shocked me enough was that Eels Move On Contest. I was the representation from my class, XI Science 3, and that would be the first time of me touching eels! Nifta my friend from XI Science 1 had once won this kind of contest in another place. Felt pessimist enough at first, but Anggreina isn't that type of person. :)

Run! Run! RUUUN!

taking the eels

putting eels into the bottle

I was in the 3rd round, after that I went to bathroom to wash my hands. Eels, they were really slick because they produced mucus, and uugh, they smelled bad, very bad. 
Then, I went to my classroom to have a rest.. But suddenly I was called because I got to final! I ran to the yard, there were two other rivals, and I took off my shoes because my socks were really wet.

After the eels were counted, I didn't win the first prize.. But I won the second prize! Hehe, I got 8 eels while the first winner got 9 eels. That was my first experience of eels!

After that, I was interviewed by SOS (Script Of Smansa) an extracurricular in Smansa. They asked me how it felt joining this contest, what was the impression of this contest, and they also asked the moral value. It took a little time for me to think about that. I was tired, very tired.

The next was Daster Cup! The rule was only for boys, and everybody who joined Daster Cup had to wear daster (house dress). Haha funny, wasn't that?

while playing, if music was played, they must dance!
If music stopped, they continued playing.
The last was Panjat Pinang, I didn't take any photo while seeing and supporting. The contestants were so brave. After about 2 hours (maybe) and nobody reached the top yet, the committees decided to combine (from the 10th graders up to the 12th).

"I didn't take any photo" except this one.

That's all. Maybe there were still some contests I forgot, sorry. I still don't know what is the relation between INDEPENDENCE and eating kerupuk (chips). If people think by eating kerupuk or replacing eels to bottle are ways to keep up solidarity, why don't we make a contest of sewing Indonesian's flag together? Haha, maybe every contest was made for fun. I didn't expect anything but our solidarity and cohesiveness. Thank you for all the committees who made this event and also the participants. I really had so much fun and I guess you did have too!

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